Some of the items here listed require you to have registered on the website to view them. (These are marked in black rather than a red link.) See the login page for more details.
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DISCLAIMER: I do not personally agree with all, or even many, of the items listed, and some may contain false and irreverant teaching.
- A letter to a Friend on the Difference between the so called Exclusive and Open Brethren by E. (16 pp) 0
- Catalogue of Gospel Tracts and Other Works Sold by John K. Campbell (1847) - 1847 by J.K. Campbell (1847, 65 pp)
- Catalogue of Gospel Tracts and Other Works Sold by John K. Campbell (1853) - 1853 by J.K. Campbell (1853, 33 pp)
- The Guelph Conference (JND visit to Usa/Canada) by Ralph Evans (3rd Dec 1862, 4 pp) 1
- Missions Account by G.V. Wigram (1866)
- Two Letters written by the late Baron Pigott after taking his place among “Brethren.” by Sir Gillery Pigott (13 pp) 7
- Greater London Meeting List, 1870s 2
- Meeting Places of Christians of No Denomination (London) 2
- Places and Times of Meeting in and Near London (1857) 2
- Places of Meeting - 1866 (1866, 34 pp) 9
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1873)
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1874)
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (Jan 1877) 1
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (Jun 1877) 1
- References (Login Required) (Mar 1880)
Very interesting list of meetings and contacts, in Great Britain, abroad, and at sea, that were in the 'exclusive' fellowship just prior to the division in 1881
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1882)
First list after the division of those that remained with Park Street. Many new and temporary meeting places can be seen!
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1884)
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1888)
- Unity. "We, being many, are one body in Christ." by W.B. of Broadstairs (4 pp)
- Is Not a True Judgment of the Independency at Ryde, and the Conduct of Kennington Essential to Discovering a Right Path as to Ramsgate? (Incomplete) (36 pp) 4
- Statement of the Grounds on which the Assembly at Clapham came to its Decision on the Ramsgate Question (4 pp)
- Extracts From the Inside History of the Ecclesiastical Troubles and Divisions in England by Julius Anton von Poseck (22 pp) 6
- A Word of Exhortation. ('For private circulation') (Login Required) by George Rymer (25th Oct 1879, 20 pp) 3
- Letter Addressed to Brethren by J.N.D. by J.N. Darby (1881) 1
- The Word of God, or Private Revelations: Which? ... Remarks on C.H.M's Letter. by Julius Anton von Poseck (1881, 8 pp) 0
- Letter from Assembly at Lee, to Neighbouring Assemblies, with Replies (20th Dec 1881, 11 pp)
- Is it either Bethesda or Park Street? or Are we Gathered to Christ's Name? by George Rymer (1882)
Pamphlet critical of both the 'Open Brethren' and the 'Park Street Party'
- The Guilford Hall Party, Sectarian in Principle by S.E.B. (circa 1882)
- Epitome of the Ramsgate Sorrow by G. Balding (1882) 1
- Letter on Original Difference over Ramsgate Trouble, 1881 by C.E. Stuart (2 pp)
- Edinburgh Division Consequent on Park Street Decision of the Ramsgate Question (Login Required) (31st Jan 1882)
- An Examination of the Principles and Practice of the Park Street Confederacy by George Kenwrick (Jun 1882)
- A “Fresh Testimony” Characterised by Fellowship with “Ecclesiastical Error" (Login Required) (1882)
Paper written attaching William Kelly and Edward Cronin.
- The Church? Or the Christ of God? (Login Required) by George Kenwrick (23 pp)
- Letter to Mr Hines of Guernsey (Login Required) by William H. Kelly (2nd Mar 1886)
- Why Many Saints Were Outside The Park Street of 1881 - New Edition by William Kelly (1935)
Mr Kelly's highly informative piece on the sectarianism of the meeting at 57 Park Street as regards what became known as the Ramsgate Question.
- A Letter Relating to the Division at Montreal by F.W. Grant (16 pp)
- Life In Christ, and Sealing with the Spirit by F.W. Grant (86 pp) 0
- Re-Tracings of Truth: In View of Questions which have been Lately Raised by F.W. Grant (98 pp)
- The Grounds of the Montreal Division Reconsidered by A. G(ilbert?) (31 pp)
- Narrative of Facts which led to the Rejection of Mr. F W Grant by the Montreal Assembly (27 pp)
- A Statement of What Led to a Separation From Natural History Hall, Montreal (24 pp)
- The Teaching of Scripture on the Subject of Spiritual Life and the Sealing of the Holy Ghost with Examination of Mr. F. W. Grant’s Views by Alexander Craven Ord (63 pp)
- A Letter on the Division by F.W. Grant (19th Dec 1884)
- Letter from Montreal in Support of FWG (19th Dec 1884, 2 pp) 0
- Life and Propitiation: An Examination of Certain 'New Doctrines' by W.J. Lowe (1885, 145 pp)
- Letter from Two Assemblies in Toronto in Oppositon to FWG (12th Feb 1885, 2 pp)
- Letter to the Assembly in Montreal from The Hague, and Elberfeld by N. C. Voorhoeve Jr (Apr 1885, 2 pp)
- Papers Concerning the N.H.H. Division (1887) 2
A collection of papers that gives good insight into what is known as the Grant division. Thankfully in the reunion between the Grant and Kelly-Lowe brethren, the KLC brethren were free to acknowledge this act was 'sin and unrighteousness'. Amazingly the TW brethren will still hold this was 'of God', but their ecclesiastical position necessitates them to and shows the falsehood of the whole thing. Particularly liked this on the last page: "At the judgement-seat of Christ you cannot, as so many of you do now, shelter yourselves by saying the assembly decided, and you could not but concur. This may quiet your conscience here, but there "every one of us shall give account of himself to God." "
- Matters Relating to Montreal 1884
Reprinted papers from 1884 and onwards concerning the events with Mr Grant
- The Lapse of Time: Has it Changed the Situation? (Second Edition) by John Ruskin Gill (1914, 8 pp)
- A Short Statement of the Grant Controversy by John Ruskin Gill
"An Answer to an Enquiring Brother" circa 1915 - Partisan piece written against F.W. Grant
- The Grant Heresy by John Lawrence (1924, 7 pp)
- Courtes Remarques (Login Required) [Transcript Incomplete - Needs help!] 2
- Man's Glory or the Glory of God by W.T. Whybrow (8 pp)
- "The Poor Man's Wisdom" by W.J.C. (19 pp) 2
- Remarks on Eternal Life and Divine Righteousness (Login Required) by B. F. Pinkerton (44 pp)
- A Letter on the Teaching of F.E. Raven (Login Required) by Walter Potter (24 pp)
- "Heard, .. seen, .. handled." by W.J. Lowe (11 pp)
- Heavenly Life, The Spirit's Qualifying, and Righteousness of God. by W.T. Whybrow (11 pp) 2
- Copy of a Letter from Ottawa, Canada, to Bexhill (1 pp)
- Copy of a Letter from Ottawa, Canada, to Greenwich (2 pp) 3
- Possession and Experience by P.A. Humphery (31 pp)
- The Manifestation of the Divine Nature in the Person of Christ by Alexander Craven Ord (1890) 1
- The One; Lost in Man's Glory. A Letter on Recent Doctrines by Herbert G. Brand (1890, 35 pp) 0
- A Review of Certain Statements of Doctrine. (Login Required) by W.T. Turpin (circa 1890, 16 pp)
- The New Development by William Kelly (1890, 20 pp)
- "Be Not Deceived:" by P.A. Humphery (1890, 28 pp) 4
- A Letter by P.A. Humphery (22nd Jan 1890)
- Present Troubles by Charles Stanley (30th Jan 1890, 16 pp) 1
- "I Come Quickly: Hold Fast What Thou Hast . . ." by P.A. Humphery (Aug 1890, 15 pp)
- Letter (Login Required) by J.S. Oliphant (12th Aug 1890, 8 pp)
- Condemnation of the Bexhill-Ealing-Bath Principle of Division by Mr. Darby (Login Required) by H.C. Anstey (21st Aug 1890)
- Lettre Circulaire Relative aux Troubles .. En Angleterre (Sep 1890, 26 pp) 1
- Reflections on the Park Street Notice by A.H. Burton (Oct 1890) 0
- Copy of a Letter from Ottawa, Canada, to Toronto (3rd Nov 1890, 1 pp)
- Extract of a Letter to George Cuting by C.H. Mackintosh (29th Nov 1890) 2
Reprinted letter speaking against the 1890 division.
- A Few Remarks on Eternal Life by F.G. Burkitt (circa 1891) 0
- Letter by E. L. Bevir (Jan 1891) 3
- A Word On Principles by P.A. Humphery (Jan 1891, 28 pp)
- Heavenly Truth - A Review of Mr Champney's "Letter to the Saints" by W.T. Whybrow (circa 1891) 5
- Eternal Life; and Some Other Kindred Subjects (Login Required) by T. Roberts (Jul 1891, 14 pp) 1
- A Record of Some Correspondence, with Documents and Facts, 1888 to 1890, Revised, with Postscript (Login Required) by H.A. Hammond (28th Oct 1891, 106 pp) 3
- A Letter to J.S. Oliphant and A Few Observations on Mr. Oliphant's “Remarks” On a Letter To Him (Login Required) by H.H. Snell (19th Nov 1891, 8 pp) 4
- Letter from Berlin - April 1892 (Apr 1892, 8 pp)
- Prove All Things; Hold Fast That Which Is Good by P.A. Humphery (Oct 1892, 34 pp) 0
- The Unity of the Person of Christ (Login Required) by Henry H. McCarthy (1894, 4 pp)
- "What Think ye of Christ?" Enlarged Edition, Revised, Including the Supplement "A Few Words More," in which are given Statements setting forth the Doctrines of Mr. F.E. Raven etc. (Login Required) (Sep 1894, 31 pp)
- The Person of the Christ (Login Required) by F.E. Raven (circa 1895) 19
- The Record of God by Charles Stanley / G.B. (Melbourne) (circa 1895) 2
- An Appeal To The Saints in Fellowship with Mr Raven by H.C. Voorhoeve (8th Aug 1895) 1
An earnest appeal to saints examining carefully a few of Mr Raven's teachings.
- Letter to H.C. Voorhoeve by T. H. Reynolds (21st Aug 1895, 4 pp)
- Remarks on A Paper Entitled "The Person of the Christ," by F.E.R. by P.A. Humphery (Sep 1895, 19 pp)
- The Truth of Christ's Person: Is It Taught by Mr. F.E. Raven? by W.T. Whybrow (circa 1895)
- Letter to Mr George Cutting by C.H. Mackintosh (3rd Apr 1896) 1
Typed copy of a letter of C.H.M. near his death, bizarrely defending F.E. Raven.
- An Open Letter to Mr F.E. Raven by F.W. Grant (28th Sep 1897) 1
- Remarks on Mr Raven's American Tour by E.J. Thomas (1898)
- An Open Letter to Mr F. E. Raven. No 2. - "The Gospel" by Arthur Klein (May 1899, 8 pp)
- A Few Remarks on Recent Doctrines Contained in "Notes of Readings" Held in the United States and Canada by F.G. Burkitt (1901)
- A Refutation of False Doctrines Amongst a Section of the Christians Commonly Known as Brethren (Truth for the Time No 3) by E.J. Thomas (1901, 126 pp)
- F.E.R. Heterodox on the Person of the Christ by William Kelly 26
- Some Remarks on the Teaching of Mr. F. E Raven by R. Grubb Sr. 5
- Brief Remarks on Eternal Life in Its Various Aspects by F.G. Burkitt (circa 1910) 0
- Extracts from Mr. Raven's Teachings by F.E. Race (Jan 1911)
- Ravenism by Edwin M. Read (1929, 8 pp) 2
- Brief History of `Ravenism': Its Origin, 1888-91, and Baneful Results by B.M. (1950, 25 pp) 1
- The 1890 Raven Controversy - Letter, 1953, to a Brother in Christ on the Christology of Orthodoxy, with Notes. by Robert Boyes (Jul 1961, 8 pp) 2
- Accusers of the Brethren by William Reid (32 pp) 3
- Leprosy in the House; Or Things that Affect the Character of an Assembly as the Place of the Presence of Christ by George Owen (21 pp) 2
- "The Brethren" (Commonly So-Called): A Brief Sketch. Slightly Revised and Abbreviated by G.C.Willis by Andrew Miller (222 pp) 2
- A Few Faithful Remarks in the Form of a Dialogue on a Tract Entitled "A Familiar Conversation about the Plymouth Brethren" (circa 1850, 33 pp)
- A Simple Plain Reply to “A Second Familiar” but Calumnious “Conversation about the Plymouth Brethren. By W. T. H.” (circa 1850, 27 pp) 3
- The Brethren: With an Appendix Containing Some Notice of the Mention Made of Them in Mr. Winslow's Silver Trumpet by William Kelly (circa 1850, 32 pp)
- The Loose Ground of Gathering, and Neutral Position as to Chist Examined: by Thomas Newberry (1861, 23 pp) 2
- The Plymouth Brethren (so called) by Edward Crowley (Sep 1865) 1
"Who they are--their creed--mode of worship, etc., explained in a letter to his friends and relations."
- A Caution to the Readers of "A Caution against the Darbyites." [By J. E. Howard.] With a few words on “The close of twenty-eight years' association with J. N. D.” [By W. H. Dorman] by John Jewell Penstone (1867, 31 pp) 1
- An Enquiry as to the Scriptural Position of the Plymouth Brethren, so called. A Dialogue (circa 1867, 46 pp) 1
- The Teaching of the So-Called Plymouth Brethren; Ought It To Be Tolerated? by Edward Crowley (1871, 7 pp)
- The Brethren A Brief Sketch of their Origin, Progress and Testimony by Andrew Miller (1879, 187 pp) 0
- Remarks on Millers, 'The Brethren, their Origin, Progress and Testimony' by A.P. Cecil (1880) 1
Critical remarks on Andre Miller's pamphlet. Some good points, but a danger of an apparent 'false spiritualism' in refusing to describe ourselves' at all.
- Exclusiveness: Its Ground and History. by J.B. Stoney (circa 1890) 0
- Some Notice of Mr. Darby's "Letter to the Saints in London." by Charles Hargrove (28 pp) 1
- Divers and Strange Doctrines; Stated and Examined by Tertius (42 pp) 3
- Selection of Extracts Regarding the "Prophetic Letter" of A.N. Groves to J.N.D. (6 pp)
- Westport Darbyism Exposed by Joseph D'Arcy Sirr (1843, 36 pp)
- Address to the Christians Commonly Called Plymouth Brethren, on Liberty of Ministry and Gift by Robert Govett (1847, 28 pp)
- The Novel Doctrines, as Recently Taught in "The Bible Treasury," Tested by the Word of God (1857)
Writing against the Brethren's prophetic interpretations.
- A Statement of Facts [in reference to certain charges brought by a Mr. D. against some members of the family of a Mr. G.]. (1857, 23 pp) 16
- Plymouthism in Italy, a Letter by Léon Pilatte (34 pp) 1
- A letter to the “Plymouth Brethren” on the Recognition of Pastors by Henry Grattan Guinness (1863, 26 pp)
- Truth and Opinion. A letter to John Eliot Howard (1866, 65 pp) 2
"On Church Discipline and Christian Charity in their Relations to Supposed Error."
- A Caution Against the Darbyites by J.E. Howard (1866, 44 pp) 2
- Darbyite Discipline, or a Buoy fixed by a Friendly Hand on a Sunken Rock (1866, 27 pp) 3
- The Exclusive Brethren: Their Origin and Discipline. (1867, 64 pp) 3
- The Recent Doctrines of the Five. Mr. Darby's New Bible, and Mr. Kelly's Justification of It. By One who Writes on Behalf of Many (1868, 27 pp)
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 1 by W.H. Dorman (30th Sep 1868) 1
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 2 by W.H. Dorman (14th Oct 1868)
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 3 by W.H. Dorman (28th Oct 1868)
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 4 by W.H. Dorman (14th Nov 1868)
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 5 by W.H. Dorman (15th Dec 1868)
- Remarks on a Tract entitled “The Intercession of Christ”, and on the second part of a paper entitled “The Three Appearings” in “Things New and Old,” for November, 1868. by [Signed, M. J. S., i.e. Matthew James Starling?] (1869, 49 pp) 3
- High Church Claims of 'The Exclusive Brethren', A Series of Letters to Mr J.L. Harris - Letter 6 by W.H. Dorman (18th Jan 1869)
- Sixteen Questions on the Rationalistic and Ecclesiastic Tendencies of Darbyism by Thomas Ryan (1870)
- The Plymouth Brethren: Their Rise, Divisions, Practice, and Doctrines by Edward Dennett (1870, 65 pp) 4
- Remarks on a Recent Pamphlet by F. G. Patterson. With an Appendix Respecting the Doctrine of Christ's Risen Life (1870, 63 pp)
- Prevalent Errors: A Reply to the Lecture by Mr. C.J. Davis (1870, 53 pp)
- Discipline and Position of the Churches; Considered in Connection with what is Commonly Known as the Exclusive System by Samuel John Deck (1871, 44 pp) 1
- Remarks on John Nelson Darby's Church Fellowship and Discipline. by S.F. Kendall (1871, 87 pp) 0
With many interesting historical notes, particularly on the 'sufferings controversy.'
- 'Exclusivism' Unveiled. A handbook of sixteen questions on the tenets peculiar to Darbyism. (1872, 45 pp)
- On the Teaching of the Exclusive Brethren by An Inclusive (1875)
- "Mark them that Cause Divisions" (1875) 1
Written in reply to 'On the Teaching of the Exclusive Brethren by An Inclusive'
- Darbyism: Its Rise, Progress, and Development (Login Required) by Henry Groves (1876)
- Life among the Close Brethren (Login Required) by Dr Alexander Murdoch (1890) 2
Critical account of the Exclusive Brethren
- Is Not the Lord Among Us? by A.H. Burton (circa 1907, 12 pp) 5
- Letter by THR Concerning a Matter in Minneapolis and General Conditions by T. H. Reynolds (Sep 1905, 8 pp) 1
- Local Responsibility in Christian Fellowship by James McMullan (8 pp) 2
- An Examination of A.J.G.'s "The Recovery and Maintenance (i.e. Loss) of the Truth" by William C. Reid (Little Glanton) (14 pp)
- Copy of Excommunication Notice of C.H. Webb for Heresies Subversive to Christianity (Login Required) (Oct 1911)
Copy of notice from Melbourne with a letter from James Taylor. Mr Taylor condemns what he would soon be teaching himself.
- Is it the Truth? by James Boyd (circa 1915)
"An examination of certain teachings sent forth from the midst of those who boastfully assert that they only are blest with 'Living Ministry'"
- Modern Mystical Teachings and the Word of God by F.B. Hole (circa 1920, 50 pp) 0
- Recent Teaching and its Effects by J.S. Giles (1st Oct 1920) 1
- A Review of Certain Contentions for the Faith (Login Required) by George W. Ware (1927, 120 pp) 1
- The Watchman Nee Affair (circa 1933) - (External Link)
Correspondence between New York, London, and Shanghai
- A Letter on Present Conditions in the Christian Profession by C.A. Coates (1944)
- The Recovery and Maintenance of the Truth (Login Required) by Alfred John Gardiner (1951, 237 pp)
- Notes of a Meeting in Connection with Stow Hill Depot 1962
held at Alexandra Palace London
- The Recovery and Maintenance of the Truth (Second Edition) (Login Required) by Alfred John Gardiner (1963, 335 pp)
- "The Strictest Sect" by Theodore William Carron (circa 1970, 2 pp) 2
- The Departure from the Truth after its Recovery by Arthur George Brown (Aug 1970)
History of errors since bringing in addressing the Holy Spirit in the early 1950's
- New Teaching on Divine Relationships 1929
- New Teaching on Addressing the Holy Spirit and God - 1950s
- The Hymn Book
- JTJr Years
- Post JTJr
- Address Lists
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1895)
- List of Meetings (Login Required) (1897)
- List of Meetings - July 1901 (Login Required) by John J. Besley (Jul 1901, 69 pp)
- List of Meetings - July 1906 (Login Required) by John J. Besley (Jul 1906, 68 pp)
- List of Meetings by Russell Besley (Jul 1923) 1
- List of Meetings (Login Required) by Russell Besley (Jul 1925)
- List of Alterations (Jul 1926)
- List of Meetings (Login Required) by Russell Besley (Jul 1927)
- List of Alterations (Login Required) (Jul 1928)
- List of Meetings (Jan 1929) 2
- List of Meetings (Jul 1931) 1
List of meetings in the UK, produced by Russell Besley
- List of Meetings (Jun 1933)
- List of Meetings - June 1935 by W.B. Turpin (Jun 1935, 70 pp)
- List of Alterations (Jun 1936)
- List of Meetings - June 1937 by W.B. Turpin (Jun 1937, 73 pp)
- List of Meetings - June 1938 by W.B. Turpin (Jun 1938, 83 pp) 0
- List of Meetings (Jun 1946)
- List of Meetings (Aug 1949)
List of meetings in the UK, produced by W.H. Trowbridge
- List of Meetings - 1951 (1951, 68 pp) 0
- List of Meetings - 1952 (1952, 86 pp)
- List of Meetings (1953)
List of meetings in the UK, produced by W.H. Trowbridge
- List of Meetings in the Americas (Aug 1954)
- List of Meetings (1955)
- List of Meetings (1956)
List of meetings in the UK, produced by W.H. Trowbridge
- List of Meetings (1957)
List of meetings in the UK, produced by W.H. Trowbridge
- List of Meetings - 1959 (1959, 102 pp)
- Alterations to List of Meetings 1959 (Apr 1960)
- Alterations to List of Meetings 1959 (Jun 1961)
- List of Meetings (1962) 1
List of meetings in the UK, produced by W.H. Trowbridge
- List of Meetings - 1963 (1963, 68 pp)
- List of Meetings (1965) 0
- Europe
- Rest of World
- List of Meetings in Australia (Login Required) (1947)
- Atlas of Meetings (1969, 25 pp)
- 'Ministry' Pamphlets and Books
- Propitiation by Blood by John Musson (12 pp) 2
- The Ploughcroft Lane Meeting Room, Boothtown, Halifax: A Little Information as to Those who Assemble There by John Musson (1886, 4 pp)
- The Arrow of the Lord's Deliverance (Login Required) by W. Corrie Johnston (circa 1890)
Concerning matters among the meetings in New Zealand, and other things touching on the Grant and Stuart divisions.
- The Church of God Versus the Churches of Men by W. Corrie Johnston (circa 1900, 224 pp)
- A Letter on Occasional Fellowship with Open Brethren by C.E. Stuart (15th Nov 1902, 4 pp)
- A Declaration. The Ancient Landmarks, or, The New Departure of 1904–5. Which? (May 1905, 31 pp)
Against Walter Scott for breaking bread with an Assembly not in fellowship.
- Why are we Apart? (Login Required) (Feb 1906, 15 pp)
- Two Letters to Mr William Easton, New Zealand by James Burgess (1919, 10 pp) 1
- An Open Letter to Mr B.C Greenman by A. I. Campbell (1923)
Very interesting piece describing exercises towards reunion between Stuart and Glanton brethren in the UK between 191-1920.
- Faith and New Birth by W.J. Lowe (8 pp)
- Divisions Among the People of God and Their Causes by A.H. Rule (1894)
Main point seems to be against fellowship between the Grant and Open Brethren, with criticism of J.H. Burridge
- Teaching Contrary to Scripture which Has Hindered, Been the Occasion of, and Given Permanence to Division by E. Collier (circa 1900) 1
On teachings of Newton and Raven
- A Defence of the Truth: called for by Neatby‟s “History of the Plymouth Brethren.” by W.M. Sibthorpe (1903) 1
- Report of a Conference in Switzerland in 1921 amongst the Lowe Brethren as to 'Occasional Fellowship' (17th Nov 1921)
Extremely interesting piece which expresses exactly what I believe is right: That 'we' can and should receive brethren we know as individuals from gatherings we are not in practical fellowship with as long as that gathering was not separated from for reason of evil doctrine.
- A Brief Account of the Life and Labours of the Late W.J. Lowe (1928)
- "A Letter on Present Difficulties" (Login Required) by J.B. Dunlop (8 pp)
- Letter to Mr. Harborow by W.J. Lowe (4 pp)
- Step By Step "Till He Come" (1909, 32 pp) 0
- A Serious Word to All On Tunbrdge Wells Troubles by W.J. Lowe (1909)
- Copy of a Letter (Login Required) by G.W. Upson (5th Nov 1909, 4 pp) 1
- To those needing information in view of the false charges circulated from Tunbridge Wells by R. J. Kell (12th Nov 1909, 7 pp) 1
- How Tunbrdige Wells Avoids The Real Question, with Copy of a Letter (10th Dec 1909, 1 pp)
- Copy of a Letter, From the Assembly, meeting at St George's School, Worple Road, Wimbledon, To the Assembly meeting at 41, York Road, Tunbridge Wells. (21st Dec 1909, 1 pp)
- Letter from Assembly at Reading re TW (Login Required) (25th Jan 1910)
In favour of the company in TW.
- Copy of a Handwritten Letter by W. H. S. Fosbery (15th Feb 1910, 3 pp) 1
- Letter to Mr Mc.Nairn by W.M. Sibthorpe (21st Feb 1910, 1 pp)
- Copy of A Letter Regarding Tunbridge Wells (Login Required) by W.T. Whybrow (26th Apr 1910)
- The Decision of Bournemouth as to Tunbridge Wells (10th May 1910)
- Letter (Aug 1910, 4 pp)
- A Few Remarks as to the Hamilton Notice by H.A. Hammond (14th Aug 1910)
- Copy of a Letter by W. H. S. Fosbery (22nd Sep 1910, 2 pp)
- Separation, not from Evil, but from Believers by W. F. Garrett (17th Oct 1910, 3 pp)
- Some facts, not so well-known, regarding Tunbridge Wells by Benjamin Moore (1942) 12
Pamphlet attempting to justify the bullying of Charles Strange, and the nasty behaviour that followed, at Tunbridge Wells
- Tunbridge Wells - Its Question Considered (Login Required) by John Ruskin Gill
In support of TW - A shame they focus their attention on the subsequent history of the KLC brethren, and avoid analysing the shameful first 10 years of the TWs in the UK.
- Letter - December 1882 (Dec 1882, 1 pp) 1
Calling for prayer, fasting, and humiliation
- List of Works Sold or Published by T. Weston (1898)
Comprehensive list of books being sold by T. Weston
- Letter to C.J. Cox (Login Required) by C.A. Hammond (27th Sep 1937)
Letter relating to various personal matters as well as interesting snippet regarding the publication of Napoleon Noel's book on 'The History of the Brethren.' It appears Mr Hammond was not keen on the book being published at all, which explains why this was done by Christopher Knapp in the USA.
- An Open Letter to the Editor of the Witness regarding a 'Slanderous Charge of Untruthfulness' Against Mr W. J. Hocking (Login Required) by W.F. Knapp (17th Mar 1938)
Letter to Henry Pickering
- The Brethren Since 1870 by W.R. Dronsfield (circa 1970) - (External Link)
History of divisions and the reunions culminating in the coming together of the KLC and Glanton brethren.
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (17th Sep 1897)
Thank-you for a parcel, remonstrance against "The Clapham Sect", and exhortation to the islands
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (8th Oct 1897)
The “All-day-ministry” as they call it, took place in defiance of protests. It is a struggle for retrogradism in the shape of loose ministerialism, and W. W. F. puts himself forward ...
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (20th Dec 1897)
"I fear too that he may have been influenced by a shameless meeting at Clapham where G. K. of Birmingham poured out his vials on my head. "
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (18th Feb 1898)
Mr K unwilling to put W.W.F's contributions in the B.T.
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (3rd Mar 1898)
"You need not scruple, if F. were to propose a visit now, to decline till he gives up his O. B. ministerialism. He persists, and thus corrupts brethren and makes division. Such we are to avoid though not outside; but the end will be their getting outside somehow."
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (5th Apr 1898)
Written from Southampton mainly about the 'Clapham', 'All Day Ministry' problem.
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (5th May 1898)
Mainly related to the 'Fereday' trouble
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (6th Apr 1899)
"D. confronted F. with going to W(alter). S(cott). (one of the worst of the Stuartites) along with K. and M. He boldly justified, though obliged to own that we regard him as heterodox. “He would look into it when he got home”!!!"
- The Present Agitation (Login Required) by W.W. Fereday, George Kenwrick, E. Mayo (9th Jun 1899) 2
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (15th Jun 1899)
Relating to matters with W.W. Fereday
- Recent Correspondence (Login Required) by W.W. Fereday (Oct 1899) 1
Summary of the difficulties from W.W.F's viewpoint.
- Manuscript Letter (Login Required) by W.W. Fereday (4th Nov 1899) 2
- Postcard to Mr John Cox (Login Required) by William Kelly (10th Jan 1900) 1
Note about a meeting coming with WW Fereday at Bennett Park Hall, as well as other matters, and a comment on the Boer War!
- Manuscript Letter of Luther Norman (Login Required) (29th Jan 1900) 1
- Recent Letters (Login Required) (Feb 1900)
- Memorandum of an Assembly Meeting held at Carfax Square, Clapham (Login Required) (19th Feb 1900) 1
Asking for a delay in the 'excomunication' of W.W.F.
- A Notice to To Enquirers (Login Required) by W.W. Fereday (22nd Feb 1900) 1
- Manuscript Letter of Mr Bridges to Mr Dale (Login Required) (23rd Feb 1900) 1
A seemingly impartial account of proceedings.
- Private Circular re Kenilworth Meeting and the 'Putting Away' of W.W.F. (Login Required) (5th Mar 1900) 1
- Manuscript Letter (Login Required) by W.W. Fereday (Nov 1900) 4
- An Open Letter by W.W. Fereday (24th Feb 1903, 4 pp)
- Circular Letter (Login Required) (12th Mar 1938)
Account of a meeting held between Kelly-Lowe-Continental brethren and those who left in the Tunbridge Wells schism
- Circular Letter (Login Required) (29th Apr 1938)
Supplement to the circular dated 12th March 1938
- The Grace and Love of God Towards His Failing People (Login Required) by L Trigge
Review of the re-union by a Canadian TW brother
- Letter from Passaic signed by brethren across the United States (Login Required) (1st May 1939)
Letter from the 'Kelly/Lowe' brethren in reply to one from the 'Grant' brethren
- Memo. of a meeting held Jan. 14, 1946, at 124 E. 27th St., N. Y. C. (Login Required) (14th Jan 1946)
Meeting amongst the Morry-Grant company
- Memorandum of a Conference held at 5917 Chestnut Street, Philadelpha - May 25th 1946 (Login Required)
Report of a conference held between 'Kelly/Continental' and ''Grant'' brethren
- Report of a Joint Meeting at Passaic (Login Required) (3rd Jan 1950)
Details of a meeting between 'Kelly-Continental' and 'Grant-Stuart' brethren
- Letter from saints in NZ associated with below item (Login Required) (30th Jan 1950)
- Letter from Danville, IL, to the 'Kelly-Lowe' meetings in the USA & Canada (Login Required) (Mar 1950)
Letter from the 'Kelly-Lowe' meeting at Danville, Illinois to other meetings in that fellowship in the USA giving details of worldwide exercises towards a resumption of fellowship
- Circular amoungst the K-C/G brethren (Login Required) (Oct 1970)
Report of a labourers' conference and other exercises towards reunion
- Union With What ? (Login Required) by R W Nelson (10th Nov 1971)
Very good analysis of reunion with Glanton
- An Appeal and Reply to the Draft Letter of October 1972 addressed to assemblies about the reunion with Booth-Glantons (Login Required) (10th Nov 1972)
Excellent protest about reunion with Glanton with interesting remarks on the position of the 'Continental' brethren
- Resume of Exercises towards Reunion (Login Required) (30th Jan 1973)
Summary of dates and events published by K-C/M brethren
- Resume of a Brother's Conference (Login Required) (24th Jan 1974)
Conference amoungst the 'Botth-Grant/Glanton' brethren held in Chesapeake, Virginia, January 10th-12th 1974
- Circular Letter from 3 Brothers to KCM meetings in USA (Login Required) (24th Jan 1974)
Short circular about a joint meeting with the "Booth-Grant" brethren scheduled for February 18th
- Summary of a Brothers' Meeting (Login Required) (18th Feb 1974)
Joint meeting (between K-C/M and B--G/G brethren) held at Bermuda Bible Hall, St. Louis, Missouri
- Circular from St. Louis, Missouri to KCM meetings in USA (Login Required) (19th Feb 1974)
Report of joint meeting held February 18th
- Circular to K/M and B/G Meetings in the USA from St Louis (Login Required) (8th May 1974)
Very interesting letter reporting the responses from the various assemblies and proposing that fellowship be resumed, despite it also being clearly stated that not all meetings had replied yet
- Circular to "Kelly" meetings in the UK (Login Required) (5th Jun 1974)
Announces that fellowship with the 'Glanton's' will resume the 30th June 1974 - assume from the very similar letter in October that it did not actually take place at this time
- Circular to 'Kelly' and 'Glanton' groups in the British Isles (Login Required) (Oct 1974) 1
Notice announcing a full resumption of fellowship, with many signatures attached (seemingly all of 'Glanton')
- *Is it of God, or of Man? by Derrick Atkins 2
Small but excellent treatise on the reunion with Glanton
- List of Gatherings in the UK (Login Required) (1961) 7
- List Of Meetings Great Britain and Ireland 1982 (Login Required)
- Why Go Over The Sea? by F.C. Jennings (17 pp)
- Some Remarks on Mr. Holborow's Doctrine by Robert T. Grant (15 pp)
- A Letter of Appeal to My Brethren by F.J. Enefer (1 pp)
- What is the Present Position of so-called "Open Brethren"? by F.W. Grant (1888, 20 pp)
- Letter to Mr C. Morris by W.E. Gardiner (26th Jun 1893, 1 pp)
- Three Letters to Mr C. Morris by W.E. Gardiner (Jul 1893, 6 pp) 0
- CORRESPONDENCE printed for private distribution only to those interested. - June 1912 (Jun 1912, 4 pp) 0
A letter signed by E.G. Mauger, W.R.H. Hardingham, F.C. Jennings imploring the stricter Grant Brethren to full fellowship.
- Are We Drifting from Divine Principles? by William E. Pietsch (circa 1920) 1
- "Something not of the Spirit of God" - Concerning Union with Glanton (circa 1928) 0
Correspondence between C.Crain, Samuel Ridout, William Banford, and Paul J. Loizeaux.
- Our Present Sin (Login Required) (circa 1930, 112 pp)
- Present Exercises as to Christian Fellowship by John Bloore (Jul 1931, 30 pp)
- A Reading on Assembly Order Given at a Conference in Toronto, July 1900 (1932, 28 pp) 0
- An Appeal to My Brethren (to Mr A. E. Booth) by Lee Wilfred Ames (circa 1945, 491 pp) 4
Very long document relating to the Kingsland Assembly, and association with Open Brethren.
- An Explanation and a Confession (Waverly, Iowa) (24th Jul 1949, 4 pp) 23
- A Brief Statement of the Principles of the Assemblies Gathered to the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ
- Letter from an Assembly in Philadelphia (Login Required) (9th Apr 1951) 1
Letter explaining how the assembly plans to move to a more open position.
- A Brief History Relative to Past and Present Exercises as to Fellowship Matters (1970, 17 pp) 4
- Invitation to Meeting to Consider Position Toward "Brethren Termed Open" (9th Apr 1892, 2 pp)
- Letter Subsequent to a Meeting to Consider the Position Toward "Brethren Termed Open" at Plainfield (12th Jul 1892, 3 pp)
- The Other Side by F.W. Grant (14th Jan 1893, 8 pp)
- Letter from N.Y. to Saints Gathered at Marsh Harbour, Abaco, Bahamas (17th Jan 1893, 7 pp)
- Reasons for our Position Toward Open Brethren (1894)
Letter signed by many American brethren, reprinted and commended to the Stuart fellowship in the UK
- Retrospection. A Few Thoughts Which the Circular “Reasons for Our Position Toward Our Open Brethren” Has Called Forth by John B. Buss (1894, 16 pp)
- A Letter .. to a Brother n Kansas by F.W. Grant (1896, 8 pp)
- Our Attitude Towards Fellow Members of the Body of Christ. Being a Review of the Positions Taken at Plainfield in 1892 and at Pittsburgh in 1894 (1896, 39 pp)
- A Last Appeal by F.C. Jennings (Aug 1913) 0
Appealing for full fellowship between the Grant and Open Brethren.
- A Few Facts Concerning Independency (Login Required) by C. Knapp 1
Remarks on conditions among the Grant Brethren and the drift towards fellowship with 'Open' Brethren
- Present Day Mistakes by A. E. Booth (circa 1930, 15 pp)
- A Letter by J. W.H. Nichols (16 pp)
- Summary of the Mory-Grant Trouble (Login Required) by Arnold Eberhard (4th Mar 1926)
- Summary of Evidence Presented in the Grant-Mory Discussion, during the course of 34 regular meetings, and several special meetings. (Login Required) (8th Mar 1926)
- Notes of a Meeting Held at 6917 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia In Mory-Grant Matter (Login Required) (12th Nov 1926)
- Letter to E.Harshaw, G. McCandless & S. Ridout (Login Required) by W. R. Nelson (21st Mar 1927)
- Letter to 5917 Chestnut Street from Hunter & Allison Streets (Login Required) (23rd Mar 1927)
Refusing fellowship with James Boyd
- Letter to 5917 Chestnut Street from 9 brothers within and 4 others (Login Required) (23rd Mar 1927)
Exhortation to refuse fellowship with James Boyd
- Letter to H.A. Ironside, J. Anderson Baillie, William Haigh, J.B. Gottshall from 9 Brothers in West Philidelphia (Login Required) (28th Mar 1927)
Mainly on teaching of James Boyd.
- Letter from Philadelphia (Login Required) (7th May 1927)
- Letter from Hunter & Allison Streets to Saints in USA & Canada (Login Required) (7th May 1927)
Inviting to a general conference regarding conditions at Chestnut Street
- Letter to 5917 Chestnut Street from Assembly on Hunter & Allison Streets (Login Required) (15th Jun 1927)
- An Accoount of the Meeting at 5917 Chestnut Street Held Monday Night, June 27th 1927 (Login Required) (29th Jun 1927)
- Letter from Montrose, Pennsylvania to Brethren in Great Britain (10th Jul 1927, 2 pp)
re Teaching of James Boyd
- Letter to E.C. Roberts of Detroit (Login Required) by C.A. Mory (23rd Jul 1927)
With references to Inglis Fleming
- Letter from Plainfield - 7th August 1927 (7th Aug 1927, 4 pp)
- An Open Letter to our Brethren in the United States and Canada giving Facts and Conditions that make Necessary our Withdrawing from Fellowship with the 5917 Chestnut Street Gathering in Philadelphia because of the Presence of Unjudged Evil (Login Required) (15th Aug 1927)
- To the Brethren signing "on behalf of the Assembly," at Plainfield, N.J. (Login Required) by C. Knapp (22nd Aug 1927)
- An Open Letter (from Jacksonville, Florida) to the Brethren Signing the August 7th Paper from Plainfield (Login Required) (25th Aug 1927)
- Letter to the Assembly at Plainfield N.J. (Login Required) by R. Wallace (28th Sep 1927)
- Letter from Saints Separated from 5917 Chestnut St to Assembly at Plainfield N.J. (Login Required) (14th Oct 1927)
- Letter from 5917 Chestnut Street to Hunter and Allison Streets (Login Required) (18th Oct 1927)
- Letter from Jacksonville, Florida (Login Required) (1st Nov 1927)
- Letter from Buffalo, N.J. to 'Those who have withdrawn from 5917 Chestnut Street' (Login Required) (1st Dec 1927)
- Supplement to Reply to A.S. Loizeaux's Open Letter (Login Required) by Howard D. Lewis & A.W. Seippel (26th Dec 1927)
- An Open Letter to A.S. Loizeaux (Login Required) by R. Wallace (30th Dec 1927)
- "Judges in the Land" An Open Letter to S. A. White and S. Ridout by W. R. Nelson (1928, 26 pp)
- Drafted Letter from Windsor, Ontario (Login Required) (11th Jan 1928)
- Letter to W.R. Nelson, from Assembly at Sheboygan, Wisc (Login Required) (15th Jan 1928)
- Letter to A.S. Loizeaux (Login Required) by S.W. Mauger (25th Jan 1928)
- Letter from Saints Separated from 5917 Chestnut St (Login Required) (21st Feb 1928)
Announcing separation of some from the assembly at 5917 Chestnut Street
- Letter from Gospel Hall, Ashwood Avenue, Philadelphia (20th Mar 1928, 1 pp)
Denouncing fellowship with West Philadelphia
- Letter to Mr George Mackenzie (Login Required) by R. J. Little (23rd Mar 1928)
- Letter from 5917 Chestnut Street to York, PA (Login Required) (28th Mar 1928)
Mainly about the teaching of James Boyd
- Letter from Seceders at Duluth, Minnesota (20th Apr 1928, 2 pp)
- Letter from Assemblies at York and Lancaster PA (30th Apr 1928, 1 pp)
Declaring full fellowship with West Philadelphia
- Letter from R.H. Hall to Charles Herrmann (2nd May 1928, 5 pp)
About teaching of a brother Allaben in NY along lines of James Boyd.
- Letter from Assembly at Duluth, Minnesota (4th May 1928, 1 pp)
Detailing split of the Assembly over fellowship with West Philadelphia
- Letter from Saints Separated from 5917 Chestnut St to Saints in USA, Canada & Elsewhere (Login Required) (16th May 1928)
Defending the starting of breaking of bread in separation from 5917 Chestnut Street
- A Letter on Following Leaders (Login Required) by C. Knapp (18th May 1928)
- Letter and Attachments Refuting Mr. Booth (Login Required) by C. Armeding (Jul 1928)
- In Whose Eye is "The Beam"? (Login Required) by C. Knapp (5th Jul 1928)
- Letter to C.A. Mory (Login Required) by Inglis Fleming (10th Sep 1928)
Also on the teaching of R.T. Little
- Letter from Saints in Elizabeth, New Jersey to West Philadelphia (Login Required) (30th Dec 1928)
Communicating a break of fellowship
- The Brethren "Chart of Shame"
- Books Published by James Nisbet and Co. (Mar 1874, 49 pp) 34
- A Letter to “the Brethren,” with notice of Lord Congleton's reply in his tract entitled, “Annihilation not in Scripture.” (Login Required) by John Samuel Freeman (1876, 26 pp)
Someone who was in the meetings then took up Annihilationism.
- The Religious Census of London (1888, 138 pp)
- The Apostles of the South East by T.F. Bullen (1901, 357 pp) 4
- The Ecclesia: That is The Assembly of God by W. S. Senr (circa 1905, 22 pp) 1
Advocates Breaking of Bread in the evening
- Revival of the Lord’s Supper by W. S. Senr (1905, 31 pp)
- Brethren Writers: A Checklist with an Introduction to Brethren Literature and Additional Lists by Arnold D. Ehlert (1969, 83 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- Book Depots - (External Link)
Very interesting history of the book depots that have served the 'brethren', provided by Scripture Truth
- Chief Men Among The Brethren by Henry Pickering (326 pp) 25
- These Seventy Years by William Gilmore (72 pp)
Memoirs of Christian Life and Activity in Belfast
- An Answer to the Question; Who Are the Plymouth Brethren? by Fanny Emma Grattan Guinness (Fitzgerald) (1861, 47 pp)
- The History and Teaching of the Plymouth Brethren by J.S. Teulon (1883, 233 pp)
- A History of the Plymouth Brethren by W.B. Neatby (1901, 370 pp)
Neatby's biased yet informative book on the history of the movement
- A History of the Plymouth Brethren by W.B. Neatby (1901) - (External Link)
Another version, but easier to read and print PDF version
- The Story of the Brethren Movement by Thomas Stewart Veitch (1933, 117 pp)
- The History of the Brethren Vol I by Napoleon Noel (1936, 427 pp) 0
- The History of the Brethren Vol II by Napoleon Noel (1936, 419 pp) 0
Volume 2 of Noel's detailed account.
- Brethren: The Story of a Great Recovery by David J. Beattie (1940, 376 pp)
- Brethren The Story Of A Great Recovery by David J. Beattie (1940) - (External Link)
Text version of Beattie's book
- A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement by H.A. Ironside (1942) - (External Link)
Harry Ironside's short and extremely readable book on the history of the brethren movement
- The Pilgrim Church by Edmund Hamer Broadbent (1950, 447 pp)
- The Origins and Early Development of the Plymouth Brethren by P.L. Embley (1966, 147 pp) 2
- The Origins of the Brethren 1825-1850 by Harold H. Rowdon (333 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2
- A History of the Brethren Movement: Its Origins, Its Worldwide Development and Its Significance for the Present Day by F. Roy Coad (1968, 326 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable.
- A Historical Sketch of the Brethren Movement (PDF) by H.A. Ironside (1985, 219 pp) 1
- My People: The Story of Those Christians Sometimes Called Plymouth Brethren by Robert H. Baylis (1994, 377 pp) - still under Copyright, not downloadable. 2