Brethren Archive

Why Do You Meet Separate from Other Christians?

by George Rymer

12 Pages
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Greg said ...
This is George Rymer of Sherwood Gardens, Mansfield, Notts.
He is in the 1880 address list as correspondent for the gathering at Radford St.
He wrote several other titles including:
* Is it Either Bethesda or Park Street?
* Christian Unity: What is it, and the Obligations of Christians with regard to it
* Another appeal. To Brethren meeting in Bar Street, Scarborough
* Do the Work of an Evangelist
* A brief review of CS's Short Statement: On the Ramsgate Matter
* The Church of God
* The Baptised
* Brief Notes of Prophetic Lectures
Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017 : 03:47
Tom said ...
Thanks Greg!
Wednesday, Mar 1, 2017 : 11:17

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