Brethren Archive
circa 1930

The Truth as to The Trinity

by R. Elliott

"With Special Reference to A Pamphlet by C.A.C."
31 Pages
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Richard said ...
I read with great interest this booklet about this difficult subject, but would like to know the thinking of other brothers on this subject. I would also like to know more about this writer, and what was his final connection with the "Brethren". Because I know he has written at least two pamphlets about the "Brethren" as "Some Plain Words to Brethren" and "To the Law and to the Testimony: A Word to" Open "Brethren. It would be good if someone could upload some of these pamphlets, and others, because it seems to be a good writer.
Monday, Dec 1, 2014 : 16:29
Tom said ...
Thanks for your message Richard, I don't know too much about R.E., but I believe he was an ex-Taylor brother who abandoned that ship and came among OBs but caused controversy there by propagating 'exclusive' doctrines like 'infant baptism' and other things. He wrote a number of pamphlets which generally seem to have been self published, and from different addresses indicating he moved about quite a bit! He edited a periodical entitled 'The Faith and the Flock', which you can find referenced on CBA. A friend of mine told me he spoke to an old brother who heard R.E. preach in his youth and commented he was a very interesting speaker!
There is one more item on the archive in relation to him, a reply to a letter of his. I'll look out for the other pamphlets you mention and try to upload them in due course.
Tuesday, Dec 2, 2014 : 10:06
Tom said ...
Richard, somebody kindly sent me 4 pamphlets by Elliott which I have added.
Wednesday, Dec 3, 2014 : 11:42
Richard said ...

Thanks you for all the assistance provided, and thanks to who have kindly sent these pamphlets
Wednesday, Dec 3, 2014 : 12:52

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