Brethren Archive
The Year 1994

My People: The Story of Those Christians Sometimes Called Plymouth Brethren

by Robert H. Baylis

377 pages.

This item is still under copyright until (unknown) so can not be published at the present time. Snippets may appear on the search page.

Tom said ...
Unfortunately can't really make this one publically available due to the copyright issue. Quite possibly the author or his family might not mind, but impossible to find that out.
Friday, Feb 7, 2020 : 18:43
Doug Engle said ...
Bob passed away this year, copies are still available thru "Gospel Folio Press" in the USA, as is his more recent volume on the history of the San Francisco assemblies ("Brethren by the Bay"). Unsure the copyright prospect, I would be glad to research it at a later year.
Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020 : 07:19

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