Brethren Archive

Peace in Trial.

A Personal Experience.
By the late Mrs. S. L. Jacob.
[I relate the following incident, as nearly as possible in Mrs. Jacob's own words, as told me by herself in India in the year 1887.  Those who knew our beloved sister are here let in to the secret of the calm and peace that marked her in a life that was by no means exempt from trouble.  That secret is open for all God's children to know and experience.  May others hereby be led into the enjoyment of the peace of God. —T. C. M.]
SOON after our eldest boy [Sydney Montague] was born, he had a very long and tedious illness and began to pine away.  As you may imagine, we did all we could for him.  The doctor attended him daily, while I nursed him day and night.  But apparently it was to no purpose; in fact, the more care and attention he had, the worse he seemed to get.  At last, the thought that we were about to lose him began to weigh heavily upon me, and I allowed myself practically no rest, but watched and cared for him incessantly.  Soon matters came to a crisis.  I noted every symptom carefully that night, and told the doctor when he came in the morning.  He seemed to take little notice of what I was saying, but looked at our little darling seriously all the time; and when I had finished, he just shook his head dubiously, and said: "I am afraid it is all useless.  I cannot see how it is possible for him to get better."  Oh, how my heart sank as I heard those words!  And as the doctor left me, I completely broke down.  But just then a voice seemed to say to me: ''You have been very careful to tell the doctor everything, and you find no relief from it.  Why not go to God and tell Him everything, just as you have told the doctor?''
My first thought was to answer, "Oh, He knows."  But then that text came before me: "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God.''  I at once went to my own room, and there I told God everything, just as though He knew nothing at all about it.  As I rose from my knees, the very peace of God seemed to pervade my heart.  Every care, every bit of anxiety was gone, and the next verse seemed to flood my soul: "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."
From that moment, my boy began to get better, and there he is now, a fine sturdy little lad.  I have him, but, better still, I have had an experience of how God can keep the heart in perfect peace, even while it is passing through the most depressing circumstances. 
“Simple Testimony” 1911


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