Treasury of Truth (Loizeaux) 4 - The Mystery (The Church of God) By Richard Holden & The Kingdom of Heaven by Samuel Ridout (77 pp) 1 7 - The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit: Seven Lectures by S. Ridout (228 pp) 9 - Staff and Sceptre - Six Addresses on Some of the principal scenes in the life of David by C. Knapp (1899, 124 pp) 10 - Creation in Genesis and in Geology by F.W. Grant (59 pp) 23 - Light for Anxious Souls in Some of their Difficulties by George Cutting (100 pp) 3 39 - Meditations on the Song of Songs by Harry Friend (115 pp) 1 40 - The Time of Harvest (Ruth) by C. Knapp (55 pp) 53 - The Only Two Religions and Other Gospel Papers by H.A. Ironside (97 pp) 0 76 - The Sea of Galilee BCG. Alone With Jesus PJL, In the Pharisee's House, & A Coal from the Altar FWG (40 pp) 79 - Holiness, The False and the True by H.A. Ironside (89 pp) 2 81 - How to Study the Bible by S. Ridout (274 pp) 84 - The Person of Christ as Revealed in the Scriptures by S. Ridout (33 pp) 93 - The Three Appearings by C.H. Mackintosh (36 pp) 0 110 - Early Days: A Series of Letters Showing How the Spirit of God Led in the Recovery of Various Great Truths Relating to the Church, Some Ninety Years Ago. (52 pp) 129 - Christ and the Church by William Trotter (50 pp) 133 - Notes on the Epistle to the Hebrews by F.W. Grant (81 pp) 138 - Setting the Stage for the Last Act of the Great World Drama "The Times of the Gentiles" by H.A. Ironside (34 pp) 140 - Daniel and His Companions by C. Knapp (36 pp) 141 - Thoughts from Psalm 23 by P. Van Winkle (36 pp) 143 - The Mission of the Holy Spirit by H.A. Ironside (66 pp) 1 160 - Roger's Reasons by John Urquhart (34 pp) 164 - Simple Papers on the Christian Assembly by John Bloore (50 pp) 167 - Looking Backward Over a Third of a Century of Prophetic Fulfilment by H.A. Ironside (36 pp) 168 - Will the Church go through the Great Tribulation? by Robert A Laidlaw (18 pp) 190 - The Old, Old Story from the Old Testament by John Watt (194 pp) 195 - Death and After by John Bloore (48 pp) 197 - Striking Incidents in the Life of Moses by Roderick John Reid (84 pp) Two Neglected Books: Ruth and The Song of Solomon by John Watt (191 pp) 204 - Bodily Healing Since Pentecost, and "All Things" by Alex H. Stewart (36 pp) 1 207 - God's School and Other Papers by Alfred S. Loizeaux (111 pp) 208 - The Apostle Paul and his Missionary Labors by A.J. Pollock (113 pp) 213 - Afterward that Which is Spiritual by Alfred S. Loizeaux (1941, 58 pp) 214 - Destructive Critics (36 pp) 2 220 - The Virgin Birth of Our Lord by Earl H. Tschudy (79 pp) 232 - An Invitation Home . . . Plus the Fare by Charles Ernest Tatham (1945, 61 pp) 242 - The Wonderful Word of God by David Kirk (1947, 64 pp)