Brethren Archive

Ridout / Wells / Wilson Smith Family Tree

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Mari said ...
I am researching the Thomas Gibbs Ridout family ( s. of Thomas) for one of our visitors.
Do you know who his wife was? And also I have an Ann Ridout and Amy Ridout who show up as owning property in Port Hope ON beside a property owned by Thomas G. What relation are they to Thomas G. or Thomas Sr? (wife, sister, cousin, mother??)

Thank you so much for your help!
Monday, Oct 7, 2019 : 21:00
Tom said ...
Hi Mari, I don't know much about the people in this tree; I only did it to show the relationship between Samuel Ridout and John Wilson Smith. But on Ancestry it says he married Louisa Anne SULLIVAN 1807–1832 on the 5th April 1825, and then Matilda Ann Bramley in 1834. I don't know about Ann & Amy.
Monday, Oct 7, 2019 : 21:17
Mari said ...
Thank you so much for your prompt reply!!
Monday, Oct 7, 2019 : 21:42

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