Brethren Archive

American Darby Letterbook - Page: 70


Rec’d  24 July 1863

Dearest Wigram,

You are right in your judgment about what I thought, I had not the least idea that it was a fresh sum of 162. We are thus amply supplied for the moment. R.Grant is anxious to earn, not that he is in want, for he lives with Brendon; having a mechanical turn he tries his hand at watchmaking; he feels it an evil not to have his time filled up; he has been still blessed among the Indians; two have found peace and others are inquiring; his main real work is there; there is plenty of opposition. There is the difficulty of leaving his spiritual work if he goes to where fixed temporal work is to be found. This made him think of watch-mending, which he could do anywhere. Perhaps, as the Catechist already preaches & labours among souls & is very intelligent, gradually they will get on & he will be more free. Mrs. Brown has a school, but it is small; she does, at any rate, what she can. F. Grant has small physical energy, but I have a thought of what may associate labour & opportunity to work for the Lord in a place offered to Robert, but where Frederick was personally interested in the work & where his time would be left free for it. However, the Lord will order this. Of course, the brethren here have helped, indeed, I know at Hamilton there has been readiness of heart to do so as to Brown. They are getting on nicely there & fresh souls interested, but I am going for a few days to Clinton where the Word wrought with power & I trust the gathering is getting consolidated. I suppose the brethren will not object to my giving some ₤ 4 to help the brethren with benches & secure the plaister(sp!) from tumbling on their heads in a room they have taken. Evans asked me if I could, I

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