Brethren Archive
Sunday January 20, 2019

An Early Anti-Vacciner in 1883

Here are two newspaper clippings about a brother, John Hixon Irving, who fell afoul of the authorities back in 1883 for refusing to vaccinate his child. I am quite interested in this subject myself, and pretty swayed by the argument that vaccines are potentially very harmful to the human body, because of the various 'binding agents' and other nasty chemicals that are thrown in with them. Added to this, a single vaccine can contain cells from up to 1,000 different individuals, and some of these are harvested from aborted foetuses. I wasn't aware though of historical objections to Vaccination – I assume his reasons were more likely to do with the danger of the child catching the disease iteself, which I think was a relatively common occurrence, than any of the reasons I have listed.

J.H.I. went on to become a well-known author, and I assume speaker too. CBA lists ten of his books published by John Ritchie, and this website has many articles of his in periodicals such as the Northern Witness, Light and Liberty, etc.

From the "Stroud News", 16th Nov 883, p. 8.



From the "Stroud Journal", 17th Nov 1883, 




In This Section

Deborah Hey-Smith said ...
Interesting article re vaccination
Tuesday, May 12, 2020 : 16:41
Ken Conklin said ...
Thank you for sharing this, I am interested in finding more examples of the brethren’s personal resistance against government mandates / vaccination throughout history. As we can see today, history has a way of repeating itself. At the same time all of these actions have created a boomerang effect bringing sinners like myself closer to the Holy Bible, the perfection of Christ, and the Plymouth Brethren.
Monday, Feb 7, 2022 : 00:24
charles.andre shontoff said ...

They are trying to call it vaccine hesitancy. I would like to correct them on that. It is vaccine refusal; all of them. We do not want any of these poisonous biological weapons. The shots do not work. The side effects are disastrous and widespread. Our bodies protect themselves much better without interference by these concoctions. 😊
Sunday, Mar 2, 2025 : 06:55
Samuel said ...
Wholly contrary to the stand of J Hixon Irving , and of the stalwart Dr Walter Hadwen of Gloucester, is the prominent “Gospel Hall Brethren” teacher/preacher, Dr David K Vallance MD of Michigan. His cheerleading Gene-jab promoting article targeting Christians as having a moral duty to take the COVID shots appeared in the Believer’s Magazine (J Ritchie Kilmarnock)in March-April 2021. The article hasn’t aged well. What passes for Christianity in it is redolent of a “tikkun olam” flavoured basis for urging the pseudo-vaccine uptake by Christians. Like it is our duty to help the world thereby. That’s not Apostolic Christianity, but it quite accords with Talmudic doctrine. A more detailed critique is called for on theological grounds, but I’ve not seen one yet. There are many good critiques of his “scientific” positions by diligent physicians and other researchers whereby his intellectual nakedness is uncovered. Some of these Critiques (obviously not personally against Dr Vallance) come from new converts to Christ who first woke up spiritually upon seeing the deep evil of the totalitarianism of Big Pharma’s alliance with the coercive Government and the masses of voluble medical minions preaching the merits of gene-altering novel and speculative injections. A heartfelt document of penitence by Dr Vallance would be a fruit of the Spirit, and the then Editor of the BM should publish his own regret at his culpable gullibility in being led astray by the spirit of error.
A helpful perspective on Covid vax harms is accessible here. Some very serious Christians are leading participants.
Monday, Mar 3, 2025 : 07:48
Jonathan S said ...
" ... new converts to Christ who first woke up spiritually upon seeing the deep evil of the totalitarianism of Big Pharma’s alliance with the coercive Government and the masses of voluble medical minions preaching the merits of gene-altering novel and speculative injections."

Well there's a new route to faith in the finished work of Christ that I didn't read about in the New Testament!
Monday, Mar 3, 2025 : 21:27
Samuel said ...
Many a narrative of conversion has included an account of being awakened to one's need and danger through a shocking or scary incident that was used by God to shake their complacent state leading them to seek the Lord and place their faith in the finished work of Christ. I deny the existence of any such thing as an alternative to faith in the finished work of Christ. Every narrative of conversion that I have heard has started with the sinner being woken up to a sense of their need of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. I mentioned some narratives of scientific shocking realisations in the same fashion as the old tract writers have been known to mention things like war-time experiences, or industrial accidents as instruments in the gracious Sovereignty of God in bringing souls to faith in the finished work of Christ.

Sorry if you were imagining that each detail of "waking up" in a conversion story must necessarily be included in your reading of the New Testament.
Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025 : 00:33
Syd said ...
Samuel, your reply is most helpful, especially, “to seek the Lord and place their faith in the finished work of Christ.” I’m reminded of the bands that came to David when he was acting according to the word of the Lord, and amongst them were, “the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do ..... (1Chronicles 12:32).
Wednesday, Mar 5, 2025 : 02:36

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