Friday August 21, 2015
Grave hunting in South Plainfield
Just got back from a few weeks holiday in the USA; while there and staying with friends in New Jersey, I was able to visit the Hillside Cemetery in South Plainfield, the final resting place of many well known names in the history of the North American assemblies.
F.W. Grant
Samuel Ridout
The Loizeaux brothers
F.C. Jennings and family
Also, Robert Lowry, who although does not have a direct connection with the Brethren, was the writer of many well known hymns, including, "Low in the Grave He Lay", "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus", "Shall we Gather at the River". Also the common tunes to, "Here is love, Vast as the Ocean", "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me", and "Marching to Zion".
TAGGED : F.W. Grant , Samuel Ridout , F.C. Jennings , Paul Jacques Loizeaux , Timothy Ophir Loizeaux