Brethren Archive

Frederick Charles Jennings

Born: 3rd December 1847
Died: 17th April 1948

Birth Location
Calcutta, India
Death Location
Plainfield, New Jersey, USA
Burial (1948)
Hillside Cemetery, Plainfield, New Jersey

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Tom said ...
F.C.J. went way astray in the end it appears, denying the resurrection of the body.
Monday, Mar 11, 2013 : 00:43
Arun Thomas said ...
F C Jennings denied the resurrection ? hilarious!! a false accusation!!! I've just completed reading his book on Isaiah. What a man of passion for Christ! Praise the Lord!!

Rev. David Jenning NOT F.C Jenning who was accused of denying the resurrection---Google it you ll know!
Saturday, Oct 3, 2020 : 06:58
Tom said ...
Ok I'm glad if that's true .. no idea now what my source was for above!
Saturday, Oct 3, 2020 : 15:05
Michael Schneider said ...

Ouweneel does claim that F.C. Jennings denied the resurrection of the body, though I'm not quite sure if this conclusion is warranted:

Unfortunately, in 1927 he [Jennings] also published a book in which he actually denied the resurrection of the body, claiming that it will not be the old body that will be raised and renewed, but that the believer will receive another body. This caused much confusion.

(Het verhaal van de Broeders, vol. 2, Winschoten 1978, pp. 319-20)

Sunday, Oct 4, 2020 : 04:11
Martin Arhelger said ...

Some thoughts about Jennings’s errors in his book „The Human Body” (link is above) are in Noel’s “History of the Brethren” vol. 1, pages 395-398. Perhaps Tom can help with the booklets by Elliott and others about this.


Sunday, Oct 4, 2020 : 04:21
Jerry said ...
Arun Thomas...
I have the commentary on Isaiah but can not locate the date it was first published. I have searched the web but with no success. Can you help?
Thursday, Feb 18, 2021 : 22:41
Marty said ...

'The Faith and the Flock" magazine has his commentary on Isaiah during the years 1916-1919 and continued in "Fellowship. A Monthly Magazine..." The first book version, I believe was published in 1935, probably by Lozieaux Brothers.

Friday, Feb 19, 2021 : 00:07
Arun Thomas said ...

I got to know about F.C jenning from an the article in STEM publishing-->

With a desire to understand Isaiah, downloaded F.C Jennings booking from the below link, previous book indeed covers all questions that a Christian will have, prophetic EQUALLY devotional--->

We have this commentary in our assembly's library, I can locate the date of publishing if you'd like ?
Thursday, Apr 29, 2021 : 13:21
Chris Elohim said ...
What? FC Jennings rejected ressurrection. What are you talking about? I am sure you are insane
Tuesday, Sep 14, 2021 : 13:17
Arun Thomas said ...
F.C Jennings words:
..That there must be an identity between the present and the future body we all admit, and indeed insist—they are identical. There must be a sense, and that a very real and true sense, in which that which was sown is also raised; as our Scripture reads: "It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power": the same "it," and the context shows that this refers to the body. -------- From 'The Human Body, Its Source, History and Destiny, as told by its Maker' Page 103.

Then he continues 'In what then does the evident identity consist' Jennings, a deep spiritual thinker.. We may accept his assertions in the light of the other scriptures and as the spirit leads us to
Friday, Nov 4, 2022 : 18:31
janet said ...
I've now got an old ed of F C Jennings "Studies in Isaiah" it says First ed 1935, sixth printing (presumably mine) 1970. Mine under Loizeaux Bros pub. I'm not in US so not sure if this helps anyone.
Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024 : 06:04
Syd said ...

So who that has a house of clay and whose foundation is the dust (Job 4:19; and when this house is dissolved and we have a building of God, eternal in the heavens (2 Cor 5:1), is able to say what happens and how, when our bodies are changed; the dead from the grave and the living that remain at the Lord’s coming?

It is indeed in his book (mentioned above), “The Human Body: Its Source, History and Destiny” that Jennings reasons, as he asserts, from Scripture, on this topic. He writes—“Nor have I felt it needful to stifle all reason. Some seem to fear the very word, as if all human reason were opposed necessarily to divine truth, and must be kept in absolute silence.”

FC Jennings had a brilliant mind, informed by Scripture, and I believe, instructed of the Holy Spirit. But man’s reasoning is fallible, I fully admit. He did NOT deny the resurrection. In his Isaiah commentary, he writes—“every believer in Jesus has eternal life, and the dissolution of the body--the cutting down of the tree--cannot destroy that life-germ, for it is ‘the holy seed,’ as it is written: ‘His seed remaineth in him’ (1 John 3:9), and makes sure a ‘resurrection of life.’ I think his “the dissolution of the body” agrees with “dissolved” in 2 Cor 5:1.

Any case, his conclusion (for the reader to consider, but the entire book should be read)—

“Thus we find no ground for closing our eyes to such notorious facts as the complete disintegration of The Human Body at death, till it soon ceases to be a body, and the dissemination of the dust-particles that composed it into other paths, other ministries, other bodies, and indeed very possibly other human bodies. Our consideration of the scriptures has relieved them of this humanly attached millstone, for whilst we freely acknowledge all this to be within the power of God to govern and control, yet the Word does not bear out the thought that He does so.

For the evidence before our eyes necessitates one of two things, if there is to be—as God be thanked, we are assured there is—a resurrection of the dead: first there must be either a recovery and reconstruction of these component dust-particles which have been guided and guarded from identification with all other human bodies by constant miracle, and which being thus constant would become a law, so that not one of them either directly or indirectly becomes so incorporated. Or, on the other hand, that disseminated dust is abandoned, as admittedly has been all the dust constantly being discarded day by day during life; and a heavenly new-creation entirely, but still identical with the old, inasmuch as it is the clothing of the same conscious individual takes it place.”

Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024 : 23:57

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