Brethren Archive

Timothy Stunt said ...

This would appear to be George Christopher Willis (1889-1973) a Canadian missionary in China (1921-49) who wrote I was among the captives: Life in a Japanese Concentration camp (Singapore: Christian Bookroom, ?1946). He is easily confused with his son, a medical doctor of the same names (1923-2012) who served, for a time, in Borneo. I assume it was the older GCW who revised and slightly abridged Andrew Miller's "The Brethren" Commonly so-called: A Brief Sketch, which was published from the Christian Bookroom, Kowloon, c.1963. In the introduction, if my memory serves me correctly, the editor noted disapprovingly that Open Brethren still fail to 'judge the Bethesda question'. There is a biography of the older GCW (1889-1973) by William A Willis, Unless a Grain of Wheat (W.A.Willis, 2014). To confuse us still further there is a third generation GCW, who is a physician working in Singapore. See  I would gladly learn more from better informed correspondents!  Timothy Stunt

Thursday, Jun 10, 2021 : 00:57
Jonathan said ...

There is a fascinating autobiography of this GCW's mother, AF Willis, which tells the story of her remarkable life having emigrated from England, then to Canada, and finally to China. It also contains observations of Darby's visit to Brantford in the 1870s. And also the astonishing life challenges of frontier life during that time!

PS and something of GCW in early years, hence adding the comment here.

Thursday, Jun 10, 2021 : 23:44
Tom said ...
Thanks .. have just uploaded a scan of that.
Thursday, Jun 17, 2021 : 04:49 said ...
Is this the Willis family who lived in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario in the 70's?
Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021 : 02:29
D said ...

In the above entry by Timothy Stunt there is a link to a profile of [Dr] George Christopher Willis II. 

In this profile it is stated: "1967-1971  Returned to Canada and worked as an internist in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario"

His son, Dr George Christpher Willis III, is presently working in Singapore.

Tuesday, Dec 7, 2021 : 01:24
Dorothy said ...
Where did GC Willis senior die in Ontario?
Monday, Jan 17, 2022 : 08:34
Ken Harman said ...
I knew both older Mr GC Willis, and his son Dr. GC Willis , but not closely. Sr.Mr Willis baptized my youngest sister when he visited us in Wpg. About 1962. I took him to the airport in Wpg to catch his flight back to Hong Kong. That was before the jet age, so it was one of the old North Stars( I think that's what they were called).
He and his son, Dr.Christopher Willis, moved to Canada about 1967 or so when the communists took over Borneo, and settled in Sault Ste Marie ON, where Dr. Christopher set up practice. His other choice was in Winnipeg, but the Soo was a better choice economically I understand. I visited with them in the Soo, and remembered the Lord in His death with them there one Lord's day. Had a meal in Dr. Christopher's home. But that was the one and only time I ever met them, other than Sr.GCW. That was in September 1968.
Sadly there arose, later on, a controversy with his brethren surrounding the doctrine of the Blood of Christ, resulting in a relatively small group of brethren following him and his family out of fellowship. But what I remembered about bro. Willis was his usual gracious demeanor, and his faithful ministry regarding the Person & work , and love for His Saviour Whom he served for so many years in China, Hong Kong and Borneo.
I' m not sure of the year or place of his death, nor oLof Dr.Christopher's. We lost contact after the division .
Monday, Jan 17, 2022 : 12:16
D said ...
Billy Graham writes as follows in his book entitled: "Angels: God's Secret Agents":

My wife, Ruth, tells of a strange incident in a Christian bookroom in Shanghai, China. She learned of it through her father, the late Dr. L. Nelson Bell, who served in the hospital in Tsing-kiangpu, Kiangsu province. It was at this store that Dr. Bell bought his gospel portions and tracts to distribute among his patients. The incident occurred in 1942, after the Japanese had won control of certain areas of China. One morning around nine o’clock, a Japanese truck stopped outside the bookroom. It was carrying five marines and was half-filled with books. The Christian Chinese shop assistant, who was alone at the time, realized with dismay that they had come to seize the stock. By nature timid, he felt this was more than he could endure. Jumping from the truck, the marines made for the shop door, but before they could enter, a neatly dressed Chinese gentleman entered the shop ahead of them. Though the shop assistant knew practically all the Chinese customers who traded there, this man was a complete stranger. For some unknown reason, the soldiers seemed unable to follow him, and loitered about, looking in at the four large windows, but not entering. For two hours they stood around, until after eleven, but never set foot inside the door. The stranger asked what the men wanted, and the Chinese shop assistant explained that the Japanese were seizing stocks from many of the bookshops in the city, and now this store’s turn had come. The two prayed together, the stranger encouraging him, and so the two hours passed. At last, the soldiers climbed into their truck and drove away. The stranger also left, without making a single purchase or even inquiring about any items in the shop. Later that day the shop owner, Mr. Christopher Willis (whose Chinese name was Lee), returned. The shop assistant said to him, “Mr. Lee, do you believe in angels?” “I do,” said Mr. Willis. “So do I, Mr. Lee.” Could the stranger have been one of God’s protecting angels? Dr. Bell always thought so.

Graham, Billy.
"Angels: God's Secret Agents"
(pp. 103-105). Thomas Nelson.
Kindle Edition.

Saturday, Jun 8, 2024 : 07:53
Steve H said ...
Is there any reason why the picture of this man is upside down?
Sunday, Jun 9, 2024 : 06:11
Tom said ...
Hi Steve, for me it is right way up, tested on pc and phone.
Monday, Jun 10, 2024 : 01:27
Michael Schneider said ...
That's strange. I also see it upside down.
Thursday, Jun 13, 2024 : 02:46
Rodger said ...
A brother just gave me many, possibly all, issues of Mr. Willis’ little paper, “The Steward.” Has anyone scanned this already?
Friday, Jul 19, 2024 : 07:54

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