Brethren Archive

Greg said ...
Under your People (Authors) you could find sources on the internet showing

George West Frazer was born 1840, died 1896.
Wednesday, Sep 11, 2019 : 00:24
Isaac Solomon Gold said ...
Spelling correction please thanks.
Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024 : 23:47
Tom said ...
Fixed, thanks
Friday, Jun 21, 2024 : 14:15
Syd said ...
From a biography of G.W. Frazer—“Mr. Frazer submitted several of his hymns to Mr. Darby with a view to their inclusion in the 1881 edition of the Little Flock Hymn Book which the latter was then editing. In a gracious reply Mr. Darby thanked him, saying, ‘he was very glad to have them for the new edition, as they were scripturally sound and the rhyme good.’"

Also, “C.H.M. (Mackintosh) used to speak of Mr. Frazer as his ‘son by adoption’. In early years they were thrown together in Dublin, and during the last years of their lives were intimately associated at Cheltenham.”

About Frazer’s hymns, C.H.M. said that, "the hymns will speak for themselves to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. I have read them with real interest and profit."

Are any other writings of G.W. Frazer available, apart from the few on this site? His hymns are deep, profound and biblical; eg, “The Eternal Counsel.” He must have learned from others, like CHM, Darby, perhaps Henry Guinness under whose preaching he was saved. But then, his hymns and poems may be sufficient.
Saturday, Jul 6, 2024 : 16:11
Marty said ...
George West Frazer was born at Bally, near Sligo, Ireland; about
1840; of Scottish ancestry. His father was Police Inspector in the
Royal Irish Constabulary. George was converted at the age of twenty.
During the "Revival of 1859", in the month of October, H. Grattan
Guinness (author of "Crowned with thorns upon the tree") was
holding meetings in Dublin, in "The Rotunda", and large crowds
were attending to listen to that able evangelist. William, George's
brother, who was a Christian, was very anxious that George should
hear the evangelist. The night that he took him along, the hall was
filled to overflowing, and crowds blocked the entrance. George had
been indifferent to the meetings. He had just purchased a new
reading lamp, and was anxious to try it; but such is human nature
that, no sooner did he find there was no room inside, than he determined
to hear the preacher anyway. So, leaving his lamp to his
brother's keeping, he climbed a water spout, and reached the ledge
of an upper window, where he sat with his legs dangling down inside,
amazed at the sea of faces below. However, something more important
soon attracted his attention. It was the preacher's text, "Yet
there is room" (Luke 14: 22). Its appropriateness to himself struck
him, and as the preacher went on, George was deeply convicted of sin.
He climbed down, an unhappy young man, and determined not
to rest until he had found rest in the Saviour for himself. Fourteen
days and nights were spent in an anxious and miserable state. One
night, after being on his knees repeatedly at his bedside, and finding
no relief, he determined to cease seeking, and have his fling in the
world. Then came the thought that he might forget his trouble,
he still would have to face God, his sins, and eternity. In deep
anguish of spirit he cried, "If I must perish. I am resolved to perish
at His feet." There and then he cast himself at the feet of Jesus. He
was relieved, though not yet at peace. Presently, a well-known verse
of Scripture came with such force to his remembrance, that it seemed
as if someone was speaking it to him; "This is a faithful saying, and
worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to
save sinners" (1 Tim. 1: 15). "That's just what I want; I'm a sinner,
and Christ came to save such," he exclaimed. One who knew him
well, writes, "After lying awake, praising God for hours, he fell into
the first sweet, refreshing sleep he had since that miserable night.
Rising early the next morning to tell his brother the good news, the
thought struck him, 'What shall I tell him?' For a moment, the peace
and joy of the night before, had vanished. Then he remembered,
'It was that blessed verse, 1 Timothy 1: 15, that gave me peace last
night?' and it was just the same though his feelings had changed.
He simply trusted God's Word, and with a full heart confessed Christ
to his brother." His sister writes, 'From that time his one endeavour
was that others should be brought to the Lord. He was much blessed
in our family circle. In many places around Dublin, he and another
earnest Christian had gospel meetings, and many were brought to
the Lord."
Some years after this, Mr. Frazer felt called of the Lord to leave
his position in the bank, to give himself wholly to the ministry of the
Word, and the latter years of his life were spent chiefly in visiting
the assemblies in England. He finally settled in Cheltenham, thus
becoming neighbour to C. H. Macintosh, the author of the well-known
Volumes, Notes on the Pentateuch".
Mr. Frazer's hymns rank high amongst those of recent writing,
and have found a place in a number of the hymn books published
in our day. Amongst the best known are—
" 'Twas on that night of deepest woe."
"What rich eternal bursts of praise."
"Come! hear the gospel sound."
The latter, with its theme "Yet there is room," being the echo
of the night of his conviction, when he listened to Grattan Guinness
preach from the words, "Yet there is room." And so aptly pictured
in the fourth verse of his hymn—
God's house is filling fast;
"Yet there is room!"
Some soul will be the last;
"Yet there is room," etc.
Ill health eventually necessitated an operation, and Mr. Frazer
passed away under that, Jan. 24, 1896. His body lies near that of
C. H. Macintosh, whom he dearly loved. On his tombstone is the
following inscription:
In loving memory of
Departed to be with Christ
January 24, 1896. Aged 56.
"THOU REMAINEST". Hebrews 1: 11.
His spirit now has winged its way
To those bright realms of cloudless day;
Then mourner, cease to weep;
Far better is it thus to be,
From self, the world, and Satan free,
By Jesus put to sleep. G. W. F.
“Truth and Tidings” 1957
Sunday, Jul 7, 2024 : 01:28

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