In Help and Food 47 (1929) there is a note about his departure on page 222-225: "A recent cable from England tells of the homegoing of one well known to many, and beloved, our brother Mr. Hughes Fawcett, who passed peacefully away on Friday, May 17, 1929, in his 72d year. No details of his illness have yet been received. Of robust constitution and tireless energy, his health seemed to fail during the past year, and there was manifest to those who knew him well, a loss of the vigor which had been so prominent a characteristic." etc.
There is more information about him on, also some scanned documents. See here: (=> born May 1858 in Ireland)
Fawecetts Wife was Susan nee Cathcart. Perhaps related to Martin Cathcart who published "Pure Streams" and was involved in the publication "Sound Words".
/Media/Ckeditor/886e2d1d-5c2e-4470-8b96-e3bee61ec65dPages from The Christian's Helper 22 (1922).pdf
...or Harry Friend
This pamphlet I believe can also be found in The Christian’s Helper 1903(issued1902)-1905(issued 1904). Tom the same pamphlet(just by looking at the first page) seems to be listed in the Treasury of Truth section of your website and is attributed to Harry Friend.
To be honest, the only reason which I had to ascribe it to Fawcett is a pencil note in my edition of "Song of Songs". But Greg's link proves that "Harry Friend" is the true Author: "Readers will have known our brother best through his acceptable service in connection with. 'The Christian's Helper,' and his 'Meditations on the Song of Songs' — a very choice contribution" (page 159).
Sorry for the confusion!