A Letter to Mr. Sutton on the Lord's Supper.
by Huntington Stone
Postal Address: Huntington Stone, Greenwich, S. E. 26th January 1915
Dear Mr Sutton,
It was, I think, about a fortnight ago that I received a copy of Mr. Charles H. Welch's booklet entitled 'The Dispensational Place of the Lord's Supper', obtainable from Mr. Fred P. Brininger, 4 Spratt Hall Road, Snaresbrook, N.E., and one or two leaflets, together with a note from yourself, asking me to study what you enclosed.
The study has proved interesting, and the Author evidently handles the subject very thoughtfully, and writes with a goodly measure of grace toward those who disagree with his interpretation.
The consideration of the theme has, I believe, proved profitable to me, though it is perhaps right to add that I have not been convinced that the arguments prove that the definite command to the Corinthian saints and 'to all that in every place call upon the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, bidding them to partake of the Lord's Supper ‘till He come' was withdrawn at the end of the last chapter of the Acts. At any rate, one does not find the instructions countermanded in any of the so-called mystery epistles. It is evidently true that when the time came for doing away with Old Testament rites, the Lord might have elected either:
1. To substitute much more numerous new rites: or
2. To dispense with all rites between Paul's arrival at Rome and His return: or
3. To leave us with two very simple little rites, symbolizing and memorializing some very deep truth, and intended to be perpetuated until we see Himself.
This last alternative is what He has actually done, according to my understanding of the Scriptures.
Yours truly, Huntington Stone.
"Charles H. Welsh. An Autobiography."