Brethren Archive

Marty said ...
Max Isaac Reich - 17th March 1867 ~ 11th August 1945, age 79.
Born in Berlin, Germany of the Sephardic Jews, from the stem of Jesse.
Open Brethren 1884 – 1904 & Quaker 1904 – 1945.
Burial: Fallsington Friends Cemetery, Falls, Pennsylvania, United States.
Father: Adolphus Reich - 1841 ~ 1904
Mother: Emma Wolff - 1845 ~ c.1876
Wife: Esther Mary Christine Lorenzen – 5th September 1862 ~ 12th August 1951
Married: 5th September 1888 in Olathe, Kansas.
Florence Reich (Gramm) – 13th July 1889 ~ 9 January 1972
Anne Reich (Griffiths) – c.1892 ~
William George Reich (McGuire) - 2nd November 1893 ~ 9th January 1980
Rev. Edward Charles Quinn Rich (Richardson) – 1895 ~ 26th May 1959
Esther M. Reich (Tucker) – c1898 ~
Alice Margaret Reich (Boyer) – 15th November 1899 ~ 19th December 2001
John Frederick Rich (Percy) - 1st January 1902 ~ 21st April 1973
Lawrence Max Reich
Joseph B. Reich – c.1907
Note: Some names were changed from Reich to Rich.
Tuesday, Oct 13, 2020 : 05:43
Greg said ...
Thanks Marty - especially for the Wheaton link.

I notice that after his arrival in Scotland (Our Record, March 1892, p.48) there are many accounts and notices of his preachings in The Believer's Magazine (1892 to 1900) and The Witness (1902 to 1906). There's quite a bit of written ministry in The Witness and The Believer's Pathway from 1892 to 1901 and in The Believer's Magazine between 1900 and 1904.

The Wheaton article dates his "drift" to Quakerism as 1904. He's still promoted in The Witness until at least November 1906. Maybe it was a gradual drift.

There is one book not yet uploaded that I'd love to see - if anyone has it: "Studies in the Psalms of Israel; Their message for our day".

T E Wilson mentions (in his book on the Messianic Psalms) that Reich lists 33 things from Psalm 22 that were fulfilled by Christ. I can't find anywhere near that number. I'd appreciate seeing the list by Reich.
Thursday, Oct 15, 2020 : 07:02
Brian Blood said ...
My mother, born Margaret Elizabeth Ross, was the only child of Esther M. Reich (who became Ross on her first marriage, and Tucker on her second.) Thank you for maintaining this archive of Max Isacc's writings.
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 : 05:51
Dan Shutt said ...
Greg, Can you please email me at I have some further data on Reich and some questions. Thank you!
Monday, Sep 6, 2021 : 22:35
Kathleen Nelson said ...
I noticed a note from Someone that was looking for his book "Studies in the Psalms of Israel". However, that note was inquiring about it in 2020.
Today is Oct. 10, 2024.i do have that book; I'm sure it was one my Dad used/ read/ studied while he attended college after WW11.
I was fortunate to inherit it from their collection of books. His words touch me and minister deep into my soul. If someone is interested, you can contact me by email.
Friday, Oct 11, 2024 : 21:16
Syd said ...
Re Greg's comment above. Reich himself, on page 82 of his STUDIES IN THE PSALMS OF ISRAEL, mentions about Psalm 22—“There are thirty-three prophecies in this Psalm, all fulfilled in the cross.” But these prophecies are still to be found in his writings, albeit he possibly quotes another writer on this.
Friday, Jan 3, 2025 : 20:53

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