It's possible he was with 'Glanton'. In the 1968 List of Meetings, the Bexhill meeting is listed at 'Birkdale Hall, Birkdale Road'. When he died on 15 June 1993, it was at 68 Birkdale, Bexhill-on-Sea. He was a retired Solicitor and Civil Servant. On page 8 of his #1 pamphlet he wrote:
The official position of Kelly-Lowe Brethren seems to be based on Ordism, while a neo-Ravenite element in "Glanton" is still disposed to resist Mr. W. R. Dronsfield's pamphlet on "Apollinarianism."
In the early 1990s there was a sister who occasionally came to Tunbridge Wells from Bexhill when she was able, so I'm fairly certain the meeting there had ceased by then. Norman Johnson (brother of Michael) had formerly been associated with the Bexhill 'Glanton' meeting but when I knew him was local at Eastbourne.
Thanks, Irma, for that information. A picture of Robert Boyes as "Smiler" can be seen here
Cow and Gate was started by the Gates brothers, Charles and Leonard. Grandson, Arthur Gates was in the 'London' meeting at Guildford. I was in his house once, aged about 2 !
A fascinating series of 'Gow and Gate' cards (including one of 'Smiler') can be seen here
I wonder how many of the illustrations were based on others associated with Brethren?