Brethren Archive

Theodore Roberts

Born: Unknown
Died: Unknown

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Nick Fleet said ...
Theodore Roberts (born 25 Aug 1862 in Rochdale, Lancashire) was a solicitor by profession (as was his father). He never married and died at 58 Rutland Park Mansions, Willseden Green, Middlesex on 16 Dec 1943.

The various History Items available above provide details of the controversy he aroused. Napolean Noel's 'History of the Brethren' summarizes it thus, 'Mr. Theodore Roberts, who had been in the Raven communion ... left them and united with the Open Brethren, among whom he became widely known. He taught the error of the Modern "kenosis" [theory] ... then, six months later, he appeared to have repented of what he had said [Nov 1923] ... Then again, on Dec. 12, 1923, he proved his own insincerity concerning his former expressions of regret and sorrow, and made the following contradictory statement: "It is absolutely false to say that I have repudiated any teaching on the subject. ..." Because of these statements, a few well-known brothers of the Open Brethren had a meeting with Th. R., after which they reported to their brethren that they were not satisfied with his remarks and explanations, and his local meeting, much to their credit, excommunicated him. But, we regret to say, here is where their mischievous and destructive congregationalism comes in, resulting in defilement, for there are other O. B. gatherings in England which do not own this godly decision and discipline, but practically annul it and make it void by still breaking bread with either Th. R., or his sympathizers, and by welcoming them to teach and preach among them.'
Thursday, Sep 24, 2020 : 18:23

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