Fallen Asleep. W[illiam] J. Grant, M.A., Kilmarnock, in his 81st year. A well-known and highly esteemed servant of Christ, who laboured amongst the Assemblies of Great Britain for the last fifty years. Saved in early years in Lumphanan (Aberdeenshire) where his father was Free Church minister. In early years was an ordained minister in Free Church, and later among the Baptists. Came to live in Kilmarnock fully fifty years ago, and shortly afterwards became associated with the Assemblies. Was in harness practically to within a few weeks of his home-call on 20th June [1930]. He will be much missed in many Assemblies, but more so in Masonic Hall where his closing days were spent in very happy fellowship. Brief record with Photo of Mr. Grant preaching in the Open Air will be found in this month's "Christian Worker"
Lines from a young believer whom Mr. Grant helped to establish in the things of God: "His memory is blessed; yes indeed. His consecrated life and ministry, Enshrined for ever in the minds shall be Of those who knew him. Whoe'er heard him read The word of God; or pray, or speak, had need Of no more evidence to know that he Was one whom good and bad must both agree To name "a saint." None could but heed The seal of sainthood in his tones and look. I think I see him—his pale psychic face I think I see him as my hands he took And made me promise that through all my days I'd read God's Word and pray; then, in tones that shook Commended me entirely to God's grace." "The Believer's Magazine" 1930.