Brethren Archive

William Carter

Born: circa 1825
Died: 1st November 1872
Appears in Carter Family Tree

William Carter

Marriage (1846)
Anna Hephzibah Boulter , Dover, Kent, England
Birth Location
London, England
Residence (1851)
43 Queen Street, Ramsgate, Kent, England
Residence (1861)
St Pancras, London, England: 159a High Street
Residence (1871)
Newington, London, England 165 Walworth Road
Death Location
Brixton, London, England 1 Wynne Road

Intro, Biographical Information, Notes etc:

Tom said ...
Learnt today that William Carter is the father of S.J.B. Carter, of Raven-Taylor Brethren fame!
Would love to see the two other books he wrote, I think called, "The Power of God", and "The Power of Truth". I have just put up a link to Google Books on "The Power of Grace", which I have a copy of also.
Monday, Mar 18, 2013 : 01:47
Christina Lawrence said ...
Are the birth/death dates and places of William and Hephzibah Carter known?
Wednesday, Nov 19, 2014 : 10:53
Tom said ...
Hi Christina,
I did some research on Mr Carter a couple years ago but couldn't find as much as I would have liked.
From my notes, the following might be useful if you are looking to do further research ..
- Had 8 children
- He lived at "2,Terrace, Walworth Road, London S" in the 1860s
- around mid 64, eldest son William, 16, left for New Zealand
- Daughter Margaret died 9th august 1864, 9 years 5 months .. buried in a common grave at Nunhead Cemetery.

If you do find / know anything more then of course would be glad to hear of it!
There are various web-references to him and I will try to put more of my notes up here shortly, but he seemed to almost disappear and I could not find any info on when or where he died.

best, Tom
Wednesday, Nov 19, 2014 : 17:58
Christina Lawrence said ...
Hi Tom,
Thank you very much.

I noticed this entry of his son Albert’s marriage in 1902, but you have probably already seen that:

I found your web page because William and Hephzibah Carter were living with my great-grandparents in Leominster (census of 1861). Georg Muller mentioned a donation once, which was semi-anonymous but seemed to mean something to him, coming simply from “Hephzibah”, which I am assuming to be the same person.

While William and Hephzibah Carter carried out their work in London, my great-grandparents went to Spain under the direction of Robert Chapman.

You can see some information emerging here:

(Davis is the mother’s maidenname, according to the Spanish surname format. The website is being developed by people in Spain, and it has a Spanish counterpart on wikipedia.)

I may want to mention your research if I give a talk about the subject, perhaps especially if I can use the portraits of William and Hephzibah Carter on Powerpoint.

Thursday, Jan 1, 2015 : 18:55
Christina Lawrence said ...
Hello again, Tom:
looking at the various genealogy websites, I am wondering now whether that Albert I mentioned is actually their son, going by the mother's maidenname.

On the other hand, the following William may be their son, going by the date and location. According to my census record of 1861 in Leominster, they were all living together at a house in the countryside called "The Folly", which is still visible today, using Google Maps, for example.

William born in 1862 is mentioned here:

Friday, Jan 2, 2015 : 10:31
Tom said ...
Thanks very much for the info; you are welcome to the pictures (though I just scanned them out the book) and anything else you want; would be very interested to see a copy of your presentation after you have delivered it if that were possible at all!
The George Muller connection is interesting; though I had always assumed the Carter's to be 'not very well off' from various details in the book, also the child that died was just buried in a 'common grave' which I think would not have been the case if they were wealthy. In the book it also mentions John Eliot Howard and Lord Congleton were interested in his work and donated to it, and as you might know, these two were good friends with Chapman and Muller.
If I find out anything more I will let you know; I would still like to know what happened to the Carter's after the mid 1860's when they just seem to disappear, as uptil then there were many references in newspapers to the mission work they were doing also.
Monday, Jan 5, 2015 : 17:06
Christina Lawrence said ...
I'll see when I get the talk together, which will be a few months from now, but I may collect my thoughts on Powerpoint first, for myself, because it keeps things brief and allows for pictures, so that would be a start. I will keep in contact. Chris.
Monday, Jan 5, 2015 : 22:04
Nick Fleet said ...
from what I can find so far, dates of birth and death:

William Carter (c.1825, London - 1 Nov 1872, Brixton)
Anna Hephzibar Boulter (Aug 1830, Brighton - 27 Apr 1877, Brixton)

their children (note all have 3 Forenames):

Sarah Anna Hephzibar (c. 1847, Camberwell)
William Matthew Henry (late 1848, Ramsgate)
Mary Ann Martha (c. 1850, Ramsgate)
Margaret Marks Bellingham (c. 1855, St Pancras - 9 Aug 1864, Kensington)
Samuel James Boulter (1858, St Pancras - 1930s/40s? Australia?)
David Richard John (1860, St Pancras)
Joseph Charles William (1867, Newington - 5 Jul 1913, Croydon)
Benjamin Thomas H (1868, Newington)

Also, I have William (Chimney Sweep) and Anna H and family at 159a High Street, St Pancras in 1861 census, not Leominster? In 1871, they are at 165 Walworth Rd, Newington - his occupation given as 'Minister of Christ'
Friday, Jan 9, 2015 : 10:25
Jensomerset said ...
Very interested to find this web-site.
Anna Hepzibah nee Boulter, William's wife, is the sister of my 3x Gt Grandfather Joseph Holloway Boulter.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 : 11:10
Tom said ...
Hi Jen ... thanks for your comment, always very interesting to hear from descendants/relatives of those I am researching!
Wednesday, May 6, 2015 : 22:12
Elisabeth said ...
Hi, I'm rapt to find this web page. I'm writing an academic article on early Brethren evangelists and Samuel Carter preached with notable success in 1880-82 in Ballarat - hundreds coming regularly, assembly grew exponentially, etc. So I'm pleased to find his family (I knew his father's name and the connection to the South London Refuge from a letter in a magazine from Samuel), birth etc. But what is the Raven/Taylor connection?? and did he stay on and eventually die in Australia?
Thursday, May 7, 2015 : 04:57
Elisabeth said ...
Did some sleuthing on Ancestry and on Australian BDM records yesterday. Samuel Carter married a Jessie McPhillimy in 1885, and they had a son Ezra in 1886 (d. Melbourne 1944). They lived in Ballarat until at least 1917. Samuel married Helen Mary ROGERS in Salisbury in the late 1920s, and he died on 26 October 1938 in Salisbury.

So my second question is answered.
Friday, May 8, 2015 : 04:07
Tom said ...
Hi Elizabeth, thanks for your comments .. SJBC was prominent in the Raven / Taylor circle; if you look on the 'mybrethren' website, you will find quite a few references, e.g.
I will get back to you if I can find anything else on his evangelistic efforts.
Would be very interested to see your article when done.
best, Tom
Friday, May 8, 2015 : 08:27
Greg said ...
Hi Tom, Elizabeth, Nick, Christina and any others I've missed.

I just sent Tom a pdf extract of some work I did on SJBC several years ago. Tom - please feel free to share it. (Please not that it contains a factual error: from the details Nick has given, the information I had about SJBC travelling to Oz with his father cannot be correct. It must have been his brother he travelled with.)

If any of you are interested in his own account of his conversion, it is contained in an article he contributed to The Gospel Messenger vol.17 p.281 [1902]. Please let me know if you'd like a scanned copy.

I'm also very keen to obtain several items by him:
* His magazine "The Message" volumes 3, 4, 10, 11 and 16.
* The letters he wrote to THR around 1895
* The paper he wrote on Eternal Sonship around 1908.
I'd be grateful if anybody could point me in the right direction for these.
Sunday, May 17, 2015 : 11:59
Tom said ...
Thanks a lot Greg .. I have added the bio to a new page on SJBC.
Friday, May 22, 2015 : 08:22
Sam Carter said ...
Hello everyone,

William Carter was my great great grandfather. I have done some research on Ancentry if you want to look. If you have any information about him that you think would be of interest to me please message me.


Friday, Aug 14, 2015 : 11:02
Tom said ...
Hi Sam, great to hear from you. I think I might have seen this earlier in the year, but I don't currently have a Ancestry subscription running. If you see this, maybe you could post a link on here to your Ancestry page?
Thanks, Tom
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2015 : 10:22
Philip Carter said ...
Thank you for this information. After being raised in Melbourne, Australia, hearing stories of my grandfather Ezra's break with the Exclusive Brethren (my father, Russell, was raised Anglican), I have begun doing some research. My great, grand father was Samuel James Boulter Carter who from what you record, appears to have been well known among the EB in Victoria, as was his father, William, among the OB in England is there any light you can cast on these two, or indeed on the split Ezra had with the Church?
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2016 : 16:29
Tom said ...
Hi Philip, Nice to hear from you .. assuming the 'these two' refers to Ezra/Russel rather than William/Samuel .. I don't know anything but I can ask a friend who did the research on SJBC and ill post it here if i find anything. best, tom
Thursday, Nov 3, 2016 : 12:19
Tom said ...
Very glad to find the two other books in the series I'd long searched for, The Power of God, and The Power of Truth, were now available on Google.
Sunday, Jul 29, 2018 : 22:09
Tom Hamilton said ...
Would anyone know if Mary Ann Martha Carter (1850 - ?), daughter of William Carter is the same Miss Carter who wrote two hymns in Believers Hymnbook?
Nr 214 'On Thy broken body feeding...' &
Nr 293 'Through the dark path of sorrow...'

And secondly, being a sister of SJBC, was she associated with 'exclusives' or, as her parents apparently supported Muller, was she 'open'?

Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025 : 04:02
Syd said ...
Thanks for the history and genealogy around William Carter. But what struck me was his faithful and consistent preaching of the gospel and how the Lord blessed this work. The gospel is still for lost, vile sinners, and heaven will not admit "persons of good character."
Tuesday, Mar 25, 2025 : 22:08

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