Brethren Archive

Tom said ...

From the CBA list below it appears he was quite a partisan of Darby at first, and then turned away, going off doctrinally, and embracing "non-eternity' views.

Another book he wrote in 1876, "Safe in the Arms of Jesus." A Loving Tribute to the Memory of Harriet Burdett Boardman. 

He was married three times. His last wife was 38 😲 years younger than him, and his youngest child was born when he was 69!


Boardman (William Coleman) Baptism by pouring, with some remarks on laying on of hands and anointing with oil. London, Morgan & Chase, [n.d.] 15p. Xerox copy. 14598

Boardman (William Coleman) Darbyism. [By W.C.Boardman.] (Kingsland, pr. by W.M. Gurney,) [?1865]. Nos.I,II. (G59750) 35

Boardman (William Coleman) Essays on the Apocalypse,Zechariah, Daniel,Acts, and the Epistle to the Hebrews; with miscellaneous papers on Scriptural subjects; suggested alterations in the present version of the New Testament; and a poem on the millennium. London, J.B. Bateman, [n.d.] [iv]+163+[1]p. 6.5". 6381

Boardman (William Coleman) A letter to "the Brethren" on their proposed general meeting. London, W.M. Gurney, 1866. 8p. Xerox copy. 14155

Boardman (William Coleman) The popular notion of man's immortality, or indestructibility, proved to be a doctrine of the devil, being the outline of a sermon preached at the Goepel Hall, Stamford Hill, on... October 14th, London, W.M. Gurney, 1866. 1866. 8p. 14597

Boardman (William Coleman) To the saints of God meeting at Rawstorne Street, Orchard Street, Camden Town, &c. [, n.publ., n.d.] 8p. Xerox copy. 13836

Boardman (William Coleman) To those saints at Camden Town, and elsewhere, who have not judged the evil at Bethesda. [A letter, signed "W.C.B.", i.e. W.C. Boardman.] [, n.publ.,] (1849). 4 p. 6.5". 100

Friday, Dec 21, 2018 : 22:28

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