Brethren Archive

Threshed Wheat

1928 to >= 1935

Edited by:  G.F. Vallance

Published by:  G.F. Vallance

"An expository & devotional magazine."


  1. Type: MyCommentFolder
  2. 1 - 1929 (Nov 1928)
  3. 2 - 1930
  4. 3 - 1931
  5. 4 - 1932
  6. 5 - 1933
  7. 6 - 1934
  8. 7 - 1935
These files are free to download but for personal use only and not re-publication. Thank-you!

keith said ...

I found an old volume of Threshed Wheat many years ago and am keen to read further. How can I download more?
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 : 11:57
Tom said ...
Hi Keith .. there are none to download right now, I have a couple of volumes which I sent to a friend to scan recently, and when that is completed I can make them available, but we don't have many sadly.
Wednesday, Oct 11, 2017 : 14:40
Tom said ...

Anyone shed more light on this periodical, why it was started etc?

Seems to be a lot of articles by ex-Exclusives, e.g. Fereday, Barker, Scott. Also other articles by Kelly, Bellett, Wolston etc.

Monday, Sep 3, 2018 : 04:26

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