I'd never known the 'parable of the Good Samaritan' to be interpreted like this before 😕 Does anyone else see it this way, or heard a similar exposition?
It has frequently been referred to as indicating the service of the Lord Jesus Christ towards a poor sinner in h1s distress about hi.s sins; and you will pardon me if I say thaJt I do not think it is a picture of the Lord Jesus coming in for such an one to deliver him .from the sense of the 'consequences of his guilt, but rather of the way in which He deals in grace with one who, having received the initial blessing of the Gospel, has set out to take up a position in connection with "the testiinony of our Lord," but who has to be fitted for that position. At any rate, I propose that we should look at the story from th1s standpoint, and regard this man as one who has been up to Jerusalem for blessing, and is on his way down to a place of testimony hi Jericho ...